Instrument Calibration

We have over 25 years of experience in providing field instrumentation service and support. Our service technicians are highly trained and are equipped with high quality, NIST traceable, calibration instruments and standards.

What is Calibration?

Calibration is adjusting, or realigning, an instrument to accurately indicate the measured variable, as compared with a traceable standard.

Why Calibrate?

If an instrument has not been calibrated, you can never be certain that it is reading accurately. The reading is arbitrary.

Consistent, quality production depends on having a high level of confidence in the accuracy of the process instrumentation.

In the case of water and wastewater utilities, many government agencies require that a comprehensive, documented, calibration program be in place to ensure compliance with regulations designed to protect community health and the environment.

More and more companies are requiring that their suppliers have a calibration program in place to insure that products comply to their quality standards.

P.J. Kortens offers calibration for:

We employ and maintain several NIST Traceable magnetic flow meter calibrators like:

* Siemens Sitrans FM Magnetic Flow Verificatorverificator_z

* Foxboro IMT SIM magnetic flow calibrator014 (Small)

* Endress and Hauser Magnet Flow meter calibrator

Our clients have ready access to their Calibration Reports through our online customer portal.